Inondations à Derna suite à la rupture de deux barrages

Texte en français

« Les deux barrages qui ont rompu à Derna en septembre 2023, provoquant des inondations catastrophiques et meurtrières dans l’est du pays, présentaient depuis 1998 des fissures qui n’ont jamais été réparées, selon plusieurs rapports et études. Ces ouvrages édifiés sur l’oued éponyme, comme d’autres à travers le pays, sont négligés par les administrations qui se sont succédé au pouvoir depuis le coup d’État de 2011. Mais ils l’étaient déjà sous le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi (1969-2011). Sous la pression de pluies torrentielles, le premier barrage, celui d’Abou Mansour, d’une capacité de 22,5 millions de m3 situé à 13 km de la ville, a cédé, libérant des flots d’eaux qui ont foudroyé le deuxième, Al-Bilad d’une capacité de 1,5 million de m3, situé à seulement un kilomètre de la cité côtière. Sa proximité fait qu’il existait très peu de chance que l’inondation se dissipe avant d’atteindre la ville. Derna a donc reçu la pleine force du torrent. »Les deux barrages qui ont rompu à Derna en septembre 2023, provoquant des inondations catastrophiques et meurtrières dans l’est du pays, présentaient depuis 1998 des fissures qui n’ont jamais été réparées, selon plusieurs rapports et études. Ces ouvrages édifiés sur l’oued éponyme, comme d’autres à travers le pays, sont négligés par les administrations qui se sont succédé au pouvoir depuis le coup d’État de 2011. Mais ils l’étaient déjà sous le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi (1969-2011). Sous la pression de pluies torrentielles, le premier barrage, celui d’Abou Mansour, d’une capacité de 22,5 millions de m3 situé à 13 km de la ville, a cédé, libérant des flots d’eaux qui ont foudroyé le deuxième, Al-Bilad d’une capacité de 1,5 million de m3, situé à seulement un kilomètre de la cité côtière. Sa proximité fait qu’il existait très peu de chance que l’inondation se dissipe avant d’atteindre la ville. Derna a donc reçu la pleine force du torrent. »

Source: Libération et AFP le 16 septembre 2023

Texte en anglais

“The two dams which broke in Derna in September 2023, causing catastrophic and deadly floods in the east of the country, had cracks since 1998 which have never been repaired, according to several reports and studies. These structures built on the The eponymous wadi, like others across the country, has been neglected by successive administrations since the 2011 coup. But they already were under the regime of Muammar Gaddafi (1969-2011) Under the pressure of torrential rains, the first dam, that of Abou Mansour, with a capacity of 22.5 million m3 located 13 km from the city, gave way. , releasing floods of water which struck down the second, Al-Bilad with a capacity of 1.5 million m3, located just one kilometer from the As a coastal city, there was very little chance that the flood would dissipate before reaching the city. Derna therefore received the full force of the torrent. causing catastrophic and deadly floods in the east of the country, had cracks since 1998 that have never been repaired, according to several reports and studies. These works built on the eponymous wadi, like others across the country, have been neglected by the successive administrations in power since the coup d’état of 2011. But they were already neglected under the regime of Muammar Gaddafi (1969-2011). Under the pressure of torrential rains, the first dam, that of Abou Mansour, with a capacity of 22.5 million m3 located 13 km from the city, gave way, releasing floods of water which struck down the second , Al-Bilad with a capacity of 1.5 million m3, located just one kilometer from the coastal city. Its proximity meant that there was little chance that the flood would dissipate before reaching the city. Derna therefore received the full force of the torrent. »The two dams which broke in Derna in September 2023, causing catastrophic and deadly floods in the east of the country, had cracks since 1998 which have never been repaired, according to several reports and studies These works built on the eponymous wadi, like others across the country, have been neglected by the administrations that have succeeded one another in power since the coup d’état. of 2011. But they were already there under the regime of Muammar Gaddafi (1969-2011) Under the pressure of torrential rains, the first dam, that of Abou Mansour, with a capacity of 22.5 million m3 located. 13 km from the city, gave way, releasing waves of water which struck down the second, Al-Bilad with a capacity of 1.5 million m3, located just one kilometer from the coastal city. Its proximity meant that there was little chance that the flood would dissipate before reaching the city. Derna therefore received the full force of the torrent. » Source: Libération and AFP on September 16, 2023